The only place where 'success' comes before 'work' is in the dictionary - Vince Lombardi


About Us
There's an old saying in the sports performance industry, "measure what matters." So at TopSpeed that is exactly what we do. Our staff has spent years doing research to uncover the crucial elements of athletic performance that help athletes get to the next level. So instead of using a class format and making all athletes train with the same methods, the staff at TopSpeed assimilates the following; the athlete's stated goals, how many days per week the athlete wants to train, and the results of the athlete's baseline athleticism testing to create a custom program for the individual, much more in-depth than your typical "speed and agility" center.
Considered one of the most prestigious training centers in the USA, TopSpeed is staffed by some of the smartest coaches in the industry with a collection of backgrounds covering professional baseball, professional football, and professional soccer.
The staff uses digital measurements and biofeedback to guide programming along with a non-traditional power-based methodology designed purely to help individuals significantly improve their athletic ability and fitness levels. Workouts are smartly designed to be challenging, designed to push individuals to and beyond their preconceived limits.
TopSpeed is proud to have the best Physical Therapy services, Sports Stretch and Massage therapy, and Chiropractic care in the Overland Park and Lenexa area on-site. Click the links below to access those services.

Contact Us
Facility Location (hours by appointment only):
13550 West 108th Lenexa, KS 66215
Email (this is the preferred method of contact):
Voicemail (this line does not receive text messages): 913-489-7059
To schedule an appointment click the link here