The only place where 'success' comes before 'work' is in the dictionary - Vince Lombardi
Over the last few years Jake Owens has worked alongside hundreds of high-level athletes, leaving an in
indelible mark on their journeys by leveraging his expertise and passion for sport science and high performance.
During his athletic career, Owens was privileged to train under some of the most influential mentors in the industry. His quest for knowledge led him to seek training at renowned institutions like TopSpeed Strength & Conditioning, Cressey Sports Performance, and Driveline Baseball. By absorbing elements of the cutting-edge approaches and methodologies from these powerhouses, Owens sharpened his skills and developed a strong understanding of performance-based training and long-term athletic development.
As a player, Owens' prowess on the baseball field resulted in him earning scholarships at Johnson County Community College, Wichita State University, and The University of Tampa. His thirst for knowledge continued even after transitioning into a coaching role after his athletic career. He continued to invest his time and efforts into personal growth and professional development, ultimately enrolling at the University of Kansas to study Exercise Science while pursuing career goals simultaneously.
As he ventured into the professional workspace, Owens was eager to apply his expertise and passion to make a difference. He made significant contributions as a valued member of The Kansas City Royals, Adapt Physical Therapy & Player Development, and presently, he has come full circle, returning to TopSpeed as a performance coach.